Friday, February 24, 2017

On Wednesday, Feb 22, 2017, The Dallas Morning News published an editorials titled “Republicans' repeal of gun restriction for mentally ill exposes hypocrisy”

The editor targeted republican people and spoke to people who has chance to exposed by gun violence claims because there are more than 33,000 lives every year but restrict on gun purchases is not clear.

The editor posted diagram about partisan view of gun proposal which survey conducted from Pew Research Center on July 14-20, 2015. The source showed that both Republican and Democrat highly agree on Laws to prevent mentally ill from buying guns. However, earlier this month, both houses of the Republican-led Congress voted to undo a new rule aimed at improving the accuracy of the federal database used for instant background checks already required by law.

An editor said “lawmakers worked overtime to show fealty to a dangerous absolutism about the Second Amendment” in the last paragraph and it impacted on me because I thought and editor touched the core of the problem. The one thing that I wanted to know was the percentage of the gun violence by mentally ill people because it could more support an editor’s claim about why Republican’s act is hypocrisy.

 I liked that editor showed diagram because it was easy to recognize the percentage of partisan view of gun proposal. Also, editor used quote of Justice Antonin Scalia, author of the most powerful articulation of Second Amendment rights in our history. I think an editor showed clear evidences and credibility about claim by providing an diagram and quote from expert. I agree with author about the restriction on gun purchase by mentally ill and not proper act of Republican.

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